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TVCP Update 1: Visiting/Transferring Eligibility, Restrictions and Training

Ben Wright



As some of you may be aware, an updated version of the Transferring and Visiting Controller Policy (TVCP) was recently published. This will be implemented worldwide between now and 01 June 2024 and, although the majority of the changes have been made to align TVCP with GCAP, there have been other changes which will affect Visiting and Transferring Controllers across the Network. 

You may view the full policy via the link here. We will endeavour to provide further details on how the Transferring and Visiting process will function, particularly for existing Transferring Controllers, Visiting Applicants and Visiting Controllers, once these become apparent. However, as with the recent GCAP changes, we would like to provide you with as much notice as possible to ensure no members are disadvantaged by this change in policy. If you have any questions, please comment below and I will provide a response where possible.

This policy is only applicable to Visiting and Transferring Controllers with an ATC Rating, and members without an ATC Rating are free to transfer without meeting the requirements listed below.


Transferring Controllers

Transfer Requirements

A controller who wishes to transfer Division is not permitted to request a transfer until they have achieved 50 hours controlling positions that require their current rating in their Home Division/Subdivision. For example, an S3 rated UK Home Controller who has logged 50 hours on UK Approach positions following the award of their S3 rating would be eligible to request a transfer, however should the same controller log 25 hours on UK Approach and 25 hours on UK Tower positions following the award of their rating, they would not be eligible to request a transfer. In addition to the above and in order to be eligible to request a transfer, 90 days must have elapsed since the controller:

  • Was awarded their current rating.
  • Completed any previous transfers.
  • Failed any previous transfers.

Controllers of all ratings will be able to request a transfer to and from the UK Division. This includes S1 rated controllers, as the S1 rating has now been formalised across the Network through the introduction of GCAP.


Local Induction Plans

TVCP permits Divisions to require a Local Induction Plan for all transferring controllers. A Local Induction Plan is designed to familiarise Transferring Controllers with local airspace and procedures, and may include limited practical training and an assessment, termed a ‘Competency Check’.

The UK Division will require a Local Induction Plan, including a Competency Check, for all Transferring Controllers and we will not offer any practical training prior to a Competency Check. All Competency Checks will take place on positions categorised as ‘Unrestricted’ under GCAP, which do not require the transferring controller to control ‘Designated’ Tier 1 or Tier 2 positions directly, or top down. Transferring controllers will be permitted to control the position on which they will attempt their Competency Check for up to 10 hours, unsupervised, prior to their Competency Check. This aligns with the current UK Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy.

A Transferring Controller has a 90 day ‘Transfer Period’ in which to complete their Local Induction Plan, beginning from the date on which their transfer application was accepted. Transfer applications must be accepted unless the controller does not meet the aforementioned transfer requirements, does not meet UK controller currency requirements, or has poor disciplinary history within the last year. If a Transferring Controller does not complete their Local Induction Plan, including their Competency Check, within the Transfer Period then they will be transferred back to their previous Division/Subdivision.

Should a transferring controller fail a Competency Check, they will be offered one practical training session and a second attempt at a Competency Check. The UK Division will not extend a Transferring Controller’s Transfer Period as a result of a failed Competency Check, therefore this second attempt must be completed within the original 90 day Transfer Period. If a controller fails a second Competency Check then the controller will be returned to their previous Home Division/Subdivision. All Competency Checks and practical training sessions for Transferring Controllers will be conducted by VATSIM UK Division Instructors.


Transferring Controller Restrictions

Once a Transferring Controller passes a Competency Check, they will be awarded full UK Home Member status. This permits them to control any Unrestricted UK positions at or below their current rating. The controller will be able to request training towards ATC ratings and endorsements, and will be subject to the same waiting lists and currency requirements as other Home Members.


Visiting Controllers

Visiting Requirements

In order for a controller to submit a visiting application they must be considered ‘current’ in their Home Division and hold an ATC Rating of S3 or higher. A Division may allow controllers with an S2 rating to visit other Subdivisions within that Division, however, since no Subdivisions exist within VATSIM UK, no S1 or S2 rated UK Home Members will be permitted to visit elsewhere on the Network, and no S1 or S2 rated controllers will be permitted to visit the UK Division. A controller must also have achieved 50 hours controlling positions that require their current rating in their Home Division/Subdivision, as is the case with Transferring Controllers.


Training and Assessment

Divisions are able to determine what training or assessment is required for Visiting Controllers. The UK will require practical assessments for all Visiting Applicants; these will follow the same structure as Competency Checks for Transferring Controllers, whereby Visiting Applicants are provided two attempts at an assessment, and one practical session should they fail their initial assessment. Should a Visiting Applicant fail both assessment attempts, their Visiting Application will be cancelled. As with Transferring Controllers, all practical assessments will take place on ‘Undesignated’ positions, and all practical training and assessment will be conducted by VATSIM UK Division Instructors.

Should a UK Home Member transfer out of the Division and request to visit the UK within three months of initiating their transfer, they will be exempt from any training or assessment requirements. In practice, this means the member retains all their endorsements and would be able to control all positions on which they were permitted to do so pre-transfer, without any assessment by a Division Instructor. By default, all S3, C1 and C3 rated UK Home Members who initiate a transfer out of the UK will automatically become Visiting Controllers in the UK Division, unless requested otherwise by the member.



Once a Visiting Applicant has passed their assessment, they will be granted Visiting Controller status. S3 rated Visiting Controllers are granted the right to control any ‘Unrestricted’ UK position at or below their current rating unless the Visiting Controller has only requested visiting rights on select, individual positions.

C1 and C3 rated Visiting Controllers will be required to complete ‘Familiarization Training’ for each enroute sector group they wish to control. Familiarization Training will be provided for one sector as part of a Visiting Applicant’s training and assessment plan, and a Visiting Controller will be required to complete 10 hours on previously familiarized sectors before requesting further Familiarization Training. If a C1 or C3 rated Visiting Applicant requests to visit APP, TWR or GND/DEL positions only, then there is no requirement for Familiarization Training.

Visiting Controllers may request training for ‘Designated’ Tier 1 and Tier 2 endorsements once they have obtained 10 hours on ‘Unrestricted’ UK positions. Visiting Controller training for Tier 1 and Tier 2 endorsements will be provided by VATSIM UK Division Instructors. As is currently the case, Visiting Controllers will not be able to request training towards ATC ratings outside of their Home Division/Subdivision. 

Visiting Controllers in the UK will be subject to the same currency requirements as UK Home Members and must perform at least half of their controlling in their Home Division for any given quarter. Should a Visiting Controller fall inactive on the UK roster, they will be able to reactivate in line with UK Home Member requirements. 


Removal of Visiting Rights

UK visiting rights will be removed where a Visiting Controller:

  • Has remained inactive on the UK roster for 6 months.
  • Has fallen inactive on the UK roster twice in a two year period.
  • Is consistently below the required standard to control, to the point where this causes disruption to other users, and attempts to resolve the situation are unsuccessful.
  • Is involved in disciplinary action in the UK or their Home Division. Removals of this nature may only be approved by the EMEA Region Vice President.

Under TVCP, Visiting Controllers may also have their visiting rights removed if they fall inactive on their Home Division roster, however as there is no way to automatically check a Visiting Controller’s Home Division currency, this will not be enforced for Visiting Controllers in the UK.

Once a Visiting Controller’s rights are removed, any endorsements held will also be removed, and they will be required to re-apply in order to visit the UK. If a controller chooses to re-apply, they will be subject to the same eligibility, training and assessment requirements outlined previously.



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