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ATC Training

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S2 Syllabus and Lesson Plans

Will Jennings



Over the last few months in tenure, @Adam Arkley and myself have worked with TG Staff to create a holistic syllabus for all ATC training undertaken in VATSIM UK. Individual Syllabi for each rating will comprehensively detail all theoretical and practical training covered during mentoring sessions. The content of the syllabi gives mentors clear direction and focus in their sessions and ensures students understand what is expected of them; also key competencies will be cemented that will make transition to higher ratings easier and should reduce the amount of repeat mentoring. 

Thus, it is with great pleasure that I can announce the first of said Syllabi to be released - 'S2 Syllabus & Lesson Plans'. Please see the new format of our S2 training below:

Block 1 - Basic Training:

In Block 1, students will undertake 3 set sessions with defined lesson plans contained in Section 4 of the document. These sessions will be conducted on Sweatbox only to ensure the required topics for each lesson are completed. Students will still be assigned a training aerodrome where all mentoring will be undertaken however these sessions will use the CTS identifier TWR_BTRG with their own report. It is expected that students will pre-read about topics to be covered in each lesson from the S2 Moodle.

Once the 3 lessons are completed students will sit End of Block Exam 1, this has the CTS identifier TWR_B1. This session will be conducted by @Will Hinshaw or any Division Instructor; it cannot be failed... however competencies marked as developing or below will be earmarked for remedial training within Block 2.

Block 2 - Consolidation and Network Practice:

Block 2 is essentially a continuation of the current system, students will have one-to-one mentoring sessions on the live network or sweatbox using the [ICAO]_TWR/SBTT CTS identifiers. Section 5 of the document details all competencies expected of students by the end of training, new CTS reports will be appended to these sessions to match the syllabus.

Once students are deemed ready for exam by mentors, they will sit End of Block Exam 2 with the CTS identifier TWR_B2. This is essentially a mock exam on the live network and will be conducted by Will Hinshaw (or DIs in his absence), the decision will then be made whether to forward for the formal exam or whether more training is required.

Mentors, current students and future students.. you're probably wondering how this will be implemented. The syllabus is effective immediately and thus:

Current Students:

Please read through the whole document, especially Section 5 detailing the Syllabus. Make a note of any competencies that you are unsure of and ensure that mentors cover them with you in future sessions. You will sit End of Block Exam 2 (TWR_B2) before being forwarded for your formal exam.

Future Students:

Trials are to begin on Stansted (EGSS) imminently and we will be closely monitoring the effectiveness of Basic Training. This will then be rolled out to all new students at all training aerodromes in due course. Please ensure you utilise the S2 Moodle course prior to starting your training to give you the best head-start possible.


Communication will come from Will imminently, he has prepared a short presentation to walk all of you through the new system. Keep an eye out in #twr_mentors on Discord for updates. Also, please familiarise yourself with all the content - any questions please speak to Will or a DI.


Finally, the syllabus can be found here: 



Edited by Will Jennings

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