GCAP Update 2: Technology and Endorsement Changes
As the 1st March rapidly approaches, Mr. Jennings and I caught up with the Tech team this evening in order to review the progress of our technology solutions that will enable us to meet the requirements laid out in GCAP. I am pleased to say that things are progressing well and that there should be no impediment to us going live with new and enhanced functionality on the 1st March. Details of the pending technology changes are outlined later in this blog post.
Before we explore anything 'new', I want to remind people of the salient points of VATSIM UK's implementation of GCAP and the 'broad brushstroke' changes that we'll see as a result:
- Roster Introduction: VATSIM UK will introduce a roster of active controllers. Anyone not on the roster will not be entitled to control any position within the UK's airspace, at any rating. To remain current, controllers must control for a minimum of three hours every fixed quarter (i.e. Jan - Mar, Apr-Jun etc.).
- Further, on the 1st March, anyone who has not controlled at all in the previous 12 months (1st Mar 23 - 29th Feb 24) will immediately be removed from the roster. Then on the 1st April, anyone who has not controlled in Q1 2024 will be removed from the roster.
- Any controller who falls off of the waiting list based on activity will be able to 'self-serve' to become current again. This will be changed in the future and is subject to discussion within the DSG. We will publicise an updated plan in due course and once everyone is more familiar with the currency requirements.
- Waiting List Changes: As we previously outlined, there will be some changes to the training waiting lists. Crucially, controllers with a substantive controller rating (rated S1 and above) must remain active on the network in order to remain on the waiting list. If, at any point and for any reason, a controller is removed from the active Controller Roster, they will immediately be removed from the waiting list.
- Our expectation therein is that the waiting lists become significantly shorter. As previously, any newly rated controller wishing to join the waiting list for their next rating must have first 'consolidated' their learning at their existing rating, by controlling for a minimum of 50 hours at their new rating (i.e. 50 hours on approach positions for newly rated S3 controllers). However, under GCAP, controllers will not be required to obtain sets of hours on specific positions before the award of a training place.
- Changes to deferrals: In light of our expectation that waiting lists will become significantly shorter, no new deferrals to the award of training places have been permitted since the 19th December. Any existing deferrals will be honoured as they were negotiated. Should a student reach the front of the waiting list and be offered a training place but they are unable to take it, they will remain at the top of the waiting list until the next training place becomes available. Should they not be available a second time, they will be removed from the waiting list.
Beyond this, we're now able to introduce some changes, clarifications and announcements to you all for the first time:
Tier Applications and Approvals
Over the Christmas and New Year period, the division applied for airports, positions or groups of airports to be classified under GCAP as either Tier 1 positions (similar with the old Major Position concept), Tier 2 positions or Super Centres. I am pleased to confirm the following:
Existing Endorsements
All controllers that currently hold endorsements will see them honoured when GCAP goes live.
Super Centres
VATSIM UK has not applied for any positions to be recognised as a Super Centre.
Owing both to Heathrow's incumbent status as a Major Airport under GRP, and a variety of complexity factors that are specific to Heathrow, all Heathrow positions are given Tier 1 status. This continues to mean that only suitably endorsed area controllers will be permitted to open area control positions that cover Heathrow on a top-down basis, unless full coverage is provided at Heathrow. In the event that an underlying controller logs off, leaving an unendorsed area controller responsible for the provision of top-down control at Heathrow, the area controller must vacate the position immediately.
GCAP introduces one specific change for Heathrow: given that the S1 rating is now formalised within GCAP, Heathrow will begin to provide training to S1 rated controllers. I will be working with Mr. Cooper and the team in the very near future to ensure we have materials prepared for S1s to begin training at Heathrow.
In line with the division's current operating procedures, Gatwick Ground is recognised as a Tier 1 position. This means that newly rated S1 controllers require further training to be permitted to open Gatwick Ground or any of it's subordinate positions. However, any S2 rated controller permitted to control Gatwick - be it via a home controller examination, a visiting controller or prospective transferee - will automatically be issued a Gatwick Ground endorsement.
AFIS/A2G Airports
To again mirror our current operating procedures, VATSIM UK has applied for all AFIS and A2G radio positions within the UK's FIRs to be recognised in a group of Tier 2 positions and this was agreed by the region. The specific application continues to permit S1 rated controllers to man these 'tower' positions, subject to the provision of the endorsement, whilst not requiring that S2 rated controllers obtain or maintain the endorsement to control them.
All of VATSIM UK's Military control positions are covered by another Tier 2 application. Anyone awarded a military endorsement will be permitted to control any military position up to their rating, subject to the completion of an endorsement for each rating as per the current operating model.
Crucially, there is a change here: given that all Military positions are covered under the same rating endorsement, the division will no longer issue separate endorsements for APP and PAR - instead, both will be covered under a single endorsement.
Shanwick Oceanic
Similarly, Shanwick Oceanic is covered under a Tier 2 endorsement. This endorsement applies both to EGGX positions and the NAT_FSS bandbox. Any en-route (rated C1 or above) controller with the Shanwick endorsement can control any EGGX_*, CZQX_* or NAT_* position.
London Bandbox
The whole-FIR LON_CTR position was previous considered a Major Position under GRP and thus, VATSIM UK applied for Tier 1 status for LON_CTR and this was granted.
New London Restrictions
Following careful consideration and a spate of recent negative feedback relating to the positions, both LON_SC_CTR and LTC_CTR were subject to applications to the region for these positions to be restricted as Tier 1 positions, meaning distinct validations will be required to open either position, as well as requiring the relevant Heathrow endorsement. Both approvals were granted.
Come the 1st March 2024, no controller will be permitted to open LON_SC_CTR or LTC_CTR until such a time that they have been awarded an endorsement for each of these positions. Validations can be requested by raising a ticket in the VATSIM UK helpdesk for the attention of the ATC Training team. I have discussed with Mr. Jennings and both of us agree that we will not honour any existing validation status for the pre-emptive award of a validation; anyone who currently holds a LON_CTR validation will not be automatically awarded either a LON_SC_CTR validation or a LTC_CTR validation.
In order to be considered eligible for a LON_SC_CTR or LTC_CTR endorsement, controllers must:
- Have controlled a minimum of 50 hours in each affected LAG.
- Hold the appropriate Heathrow endorsements.
- Not be subject to significant, reasonable feedback.
- Have been active on the Controller Roster for the previous two quarters.
Pursuant to the operating policy for all other validations, this means that any LON_CTR endorsed controller without LSC/LTC endorsements may not open LON_CTR unless doing so only controls one half of these combined positions. For example: LON_CTR with LON_S_CTR online would be allowed for a controller with LON_CTR but not LON_SC bandbox. LON_CTR with LON_E_CTR would not.
The DSG will be reviewing the use of LON_CTR, LON_SC_CTR and LTC_CTR endorsements in the near future.
Technology Changes
GCAP requires that, should we chose to maintain one, the division provides public access to an active roster and our colleagues in Tech have been busy developing this functionality over recent months. I was shown a demonstration of much of this functionality this evening and I am pleased to say that most of what we'll need come the 1st March is well on track to be complete. Specifically, changes are focussed in three key areas:
Active Controller Roster
The division has chosen to maintain a roster of active controllers. Public-facing functionality will be provided which allows visitors to enter a CID and be provided with an exact list of positions that the controller in question is permitted to control, which might include solo validations, or endorsements for Tier 1 or Tier 2 positions. Additionally, a user visiting the VATSIM UK Dashboard will see their own status on the roster.
Endorsement Management
New functionality has been added to the Core system to allow suitably authorised users to request endorsements and suitably authorised users to approve or reject those endorsement requests. This functionality replaces that which is found in CTS, which will be updated to signpost users to the Core system to manage endorsements. This functionality will be expanded on in future, but for now provides a far more modern and intuitive way for endorsements to be managed.
Upon approval, an endorsement will immediately be added to a controller's profile and be reflected on the Controller Roster. Similarly, should an endorsement be removed for any reason, this will also be immediately reflected in the Controller Roster.
At present, when an endorsement is requested, no notification will be sent to the endorsement approver(s). Anyone who is requesting an endorsement will be required to notify the endorsement approver by some other mechanism - likely Discord - to request that they review the endorsement request. Notification functionality will be implemented by Tech after the initial go-live of the new technology elements that facilitate GCAP.
Currency Renewal
Under GCAP, all controllers in divisions which maintain a Controller Roster will be required to control for a minimum of 3 hours in each fixed quarter. Should controllers become inactive, they will be automatically removed from the Controller Roster and be required to 'renew' their currency. During our initial implementation of GCAP, controllers will be able to 'self serve' through a web-based wizard in order to be re-added to the Controller Roster.
GCAP is very nearly here and represents the single biggest change to the way in which controllers have been administrated since GRP was conceived of over 15 years ago. I am very grateful to my colleagues across the DSG and Tech who have championed the changes required within VATSIM UK to meet the expectations of GCAP and be considered 'compliant'. It is possible that further changes will be announced in due course, but for now, very little is changing within VATSIM UK as we embrace GCAP and I hope that all of you continue to enjoy the division.
As always, if anyone has any questions or comments, feedback is very much appreciated, either by way of a response to this blog post, a ticket via the VATSIM UK helpdesk, a message in my Direct Messages in Discord or an e-mail.
- Matt Baxter
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