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ATC Training

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  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 26
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
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  • Will Jennings 2
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  • Reece Buckley 1

Division Instructors - Review and Appointments

Adam Arkley



As part of my review of ATC Training when I took on this post at the end of last year, I sought to understand the roles that are in place across the department, from department assistants to training group leads and mentors to division instructors. It's this latter group that is the subject of this blog post.

For many, many years, division across VATSIM - including here in VATSIM UK - have recognised the experience and seniority of some of our most capable mentors through their appointment as a Division Instructor. This appointment, alongside the temporary award of an I3 (Instructor 3) rating, recognises the long-standing contribution of a number of our mentors throughout the division. Division Instructors have historically been entrusted with consultative processes, project work and caring for our visiting and transferring controllers.

Whilst I fully intend for much of this work to continue, I am conscious that the previous role profile for our Division Instructors was very broad. With Will's support and the approval of the DSG, I've taken some time to review and clarify the role profile. Whilst nothing has significantly changed in terms of the nature of the work that our DIs will undertake, my hope is that I've provided renewed clarity on the seniority that the role provides, alongside renewed focus on where our DI's talents will be required on a regular basis. I have promised to be open and transparent with you during my tenure and, to that end, the role profile is provided below for review, but not critique:


Division Instructors represent some of the division's most experienced and capable resources and are appointed to support training initiatives across the division. Division Instructors are temporarily awarded the I3 rating for the duration of their appointment and are appointed at the invitation of the ATC Training Director. Their responsibilities include:

  • Supporting mentoring within the Training Groups in times of poor mentor availability;
  • Supporting Training Group staff by performing OTS checks for both prospective and current mentors, when requested by Training Group staff;
  • Supporting the ATC Training Department in the development of projects at the direction of the ATC Training Director and ATC Training Manager;
  • Providing remedial training to controllers at the direction of the ATC Training Director and ATC Training Manager;
  • Conducting Visiting and Transferring Controller Validations;
  • Conducting exams at all ratings;
  • Liaising with the Operations Department to develop, review and clarify ATC procedures and documentation where appropriate.

In order to qualify as a Division Instructor, C1+ rated controllers must:

  • Have been listed on the active ATC roster for the previous two quarters;
  • Have controlled for least 250 hours post the award of their C1 rating;
  • Have performed extensive mentoring across all ratings;
  • Be up-to-date on current procedures and familiar with the ATC Training syllabi for all ratings;
  • Agree to maintain currency across ATC disciplines, either by controlling at various positions or providing 'top-down' ATC services.

Further, prospective Division Instructors should:

  • Already be an ATC examiner;
  • Have an active presence in the VATSIM UK Discord to support ATC students.

I have shared this role profile with our incumbent Division Instructors and look forwards to working with them to ensure that we continue to provide high quality ATC Training services, with particular attention from this particular body of instructors paid to visitors, transferees, fast-track candidates and those students in need of a little extra support and the diligent attention of some of our most senior mentors.

Very sadly, we said goodbye to two of our division instructors at the end of 2023. Given a growing backlog of visiting and transferring controllers who require validation and the potential requirement to provide remedial training to rated controllers with the introduction of GCAP, I am keen to expand the team. Continuing my trend of transparency, I have been appointed as a Division Instructor, though not by my hand; following the DSG's approval of the role profile, I sought to confirm my first appointment with Ben Wright and confirmed that in the interests of impartiality, I would not appoint myself as a Division Instructor. To that end, Ben has appointed me as a Division Instructor. Elsewhere, I am making two further appointments:

It is my tremendous pleasure to appoint @William Jenningsas a division instructor. Whilst Will is new in his role as ATC Training Manager, he is no stranger to the mentoring process, having originally begun mentoring on VATSIM in 2019. Will has mentored extensively at the Tower, Approach and En-route levels and currently shares the role of TGI App. He is no stranger to the mentoring process and I have every faith that his experience will be of tremendous value to our team of Division Instructors.

Alongside Will's appointment, I am equally thrilled to appoint @Fraser Cooperas a Division Instructor. Most recently, Fraser has held the post of TGI Heathrow and has performed sterlingly within this role; come the 1st Jan this year, Heathrow's waiting list had evaporated under Fraser's leadership. Fraser's enthusiasm for VATSIM is remarkable and his experience long-running, with Fraser's contribution to mentoring in VATSIM UK beginning all the way back in 2016. Fraser has mentored at all levels and, again, his experience and passion will be of benefit to the Division Instructor team.

I have extended invitations to a further two members of our community, one of which has asked to defer their decision owing to real life circumstances and the other is considering my invitation. Needless to say, I am grateful to have such capable controllers making up my team of Division Instructors and look forwards to working closely with them in the coming months.

Please join me in congratulating Will and Fraser on their appointments!



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