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John Batten Member Services Director Resignation

John Batten



Hi all,

I would like to let you know that I'm stepping down from Member Services Director.

I have decided this for two reason. Firstly I have an upcoming promotion at work which is exciting but I am going to have to put that first and put a lot of time into it to prepare

Secondly I feel while I had an initial success getting  Visiting and Transferring open again with the opening of C1/C3 transfers this has since stalled. I feel someone else will have the skills and experience to fully open Visiting and Transferring again. 

I've have really enjoyed working with the team in Member Services, they do a lot of work behind the scenes that sometimes goes unnoticed. I would like to thank them for all support and help they have given me. @James Thomas @William Shaw@William Brushfield

I will continue to serve as the Member Services Director until a replacement is found,  Chris will be starting the recruitment process very soon. What I will say is if anyone is unsure about about going for a DSG role then please go for it. It was a good experience and while I couldn't make the progress I wanted you might be able too. 

I do however planned to stay in my role as TGI for TGNC so I will still be staying part of VATUK. 

Thank you


Edited by John Batten

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Rishab Saddiq


I’m sure you will find your meet in ur new role at work and we thank you for your commitment to vatsim uk 

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Its been a pleasure to work with you over the past year. I look forward to continue that whilst you remain at TGNC.

All the best!

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Thanks for the contribution for the last years in both roles - it's been refreshing to have new opinions and perspectives helping to improve our processes and output. Appreciate especially your efforts around refreshing the process for transferring controllers and moderation.

Enjoy the new view and good luck with the transition.

Glad that we will not be losing you completely and looking forward to continuing to work together.


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