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C1 / C3 Transfer and Visiting now open.

John Batten





Hi All,

We are delighted to say that we are now accepting applications for visiting and transferring C1/C3 Controllers

We have completed, a review of the Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy and the following changes have been made to make the process more open and fair.

New Visiting Groups

The aim of the new Visiting and Transferring training process is to ensure visiting controllers are of an equivalent standard to home controllers, which is required by the VATSIM Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy. Previously visitors were limited to a set of specific aerodromes/sectors whereas the new ‘Visiting Groups’ include the majority of UK airfields and sectors. Each visitor will be individually trained and validated as competent but some restrictions will remain to limit the impact of validating visitors on training workload. Heathrow validations will not be available to visiting controllers and therefore the overlying sectors (AC South, TC South etc) are also not available. Military endorsements will remain available to visiting controllers and Shanwick Oceanic endorsements for visitors will remain unchanged.

  • Aerodrome VG (S2+)
    All UK TWR/GND/DEL positions with the exception of EGLL
    Military endorsement is available on request.
  • Approach VG (S3+)
    All UK APP + Aerodrome VG positions with the exception of EGLL
    Military endorsement is available on request.
  • Enroute VG (C1+)
    All UK CTR + Aerodrome VG + Approach VG positions with the exception of EGLL, LON_S etc.
    Military endorsement is available on request.
  • Oceanic VG (C1+)
    Shanwick Oceanic (EGGX)

How will Visitors be Trained/Endorsed?

Once issued a training place the training process will comprise of:

  • An eLearning (Moodle) course including a theoretical exam.
  • You will assigned visiting rights for all top-down aerodromes of the allocated sector to build experience of these aerodromes. You will need to control for a minimum of 10 hours. 
  • A series of practical mentoring sessions and a maximum of two validation attempts.

Visiting Controller Currency requirements

 All visiting controllers (including those with legacy rights) will become subject to currency requirements. Visiting controllers who do not meet requirements will have their visiting rights removed. This is to ensure that visitors are sufficiently engaged with the division and that our investment in training them is not wasted.

Visiting controllers will be required to control a minimum of 3 hours in a 90 day period.

Visiting controllers to the Oceanic VG are required to control at least 1 session on Shanwick or Gander positions within 3 years.

I am currently a visiting controller, how do these changes affect me?

There will be no automatic conversion to the new Enroute VG for current visiting controllers. You may continue to exercise your current visiting rights (in the old visiting groups), providing you comply with the new currency requirements and remain ‘active’.

Existing visiting controllers who wish to switch to the new Enroute Visiting Group may apply to complete the new training and validation process by submitting a new visiting controller application. Be advised, should you be unsuccessful during the training process you will lose all visiting rights, including legacy rights.  We cannot allow controllers that have been assessed as incompetent to staff positions within VATSIM UK.

How do I apply?

You can apply by following this link and submitting the appropriate application: https://www.vatsim.uk/visit-transfer

Be advised we expect this to be very popular and you will be added to a waiting list until a training place becomes available. 

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the people who have been involved in this project.

In my next update I will give an update on applications for S3 Transfer / Visiting controllers.

Many thanks



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