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ATC Training 2022 Q4 + Year Review

Adam Farquharson



There was generally some good feedback from publishing the quarterly stats when I did so last month. If this type of thing is something that you would like to see continue then please keep letting us know (by liking or commenting on this post or reaching out to me another way).

Incomplete exams are excluded for clarity:
S1 - 26 exams, 23 passed, 3 failed. This is a 62% increase in the number of exams conducted and a 11% decrease in the pass rate.
S2 - 5 exams, 5 passed, 0 failed. This is a 17% decrease in the number of exams conducted and a 0% change in the pass rate.
S3 - 5 exams, 3 passed, 2 failed. This is a 150% increase in the number of exams conducted and a 33% decrease in the pass rate.
C1 - 1 exam, 1 passed, 0 failed.

EGLL - 2 GND (-33%), 2 TWR (-66%), 5 APP (+25%).
EGKK - 12 (+9%).
EGGX - 0.

Waiting lists
Note: Eligible students at the start of the quarter, Heathrow only includes students who have completed the Moodle course


Q3 2022

Q4 2022

Q1 2023





























Q4 brings mixed results across the department. Mentoring levels were once again low however started to improve towards the end of the quarter.

TGNC performed well with a large increase in both the number of S1 exams conducted and the number of exams passed. The work done by the instructors to continue to drive training efficiency and improve resources around common issues occurring in exams alongside an increase in mentoring within TGNC has contributed to this increase in exams.

TGTWR performed as expected vs previous years and mentoring levels entering the quarter. We are concerned with the increasing waiting times for S2 training. We believe that we can significantly improve the efficiency of training at the TWR level and we are working very hard behind the scenes on some changes to make this happen. We hope that these changes will reduce the average number of sessions required to gain an S2, leading to more S2s and a slower growth in the number of active members waiting for S2 training.

TGAPP struggled hugely for mentors this quarter. Reece did an excellent job in looking for new mentors and engaging those who stuck around however ultimately mentoring levels remained low. We successfully recruited two new TGIs to join Reece and I look forward to seeing what we can do with this extra resource.

In TGENR, Mentoring levels were once again very low for large parts of the quarter. We brought on some new mentors and also put a large amount of effort into updating and creating new sweatbox files. Harry has done an incredible job in finding new ways of reducing the average number of sessions needed for an exam and with the increase in mentors towards the end of the quarter, C1 training is in a great position to continue to grow this year.

Heathrow training remains stable however behind where we'd like to be. Myself and Nathaniel are looking at ways we can clear the remainder of the waiting lists for practical training at Heathrow.

Finally, Q4 saw an updated version of the ATC Training Handbook. This brought with it an overhaul of the C3 requirements and waiting list policy (amongst some other minor changes). We continue to work with the web services team to develop the systems required to fully implement this policy change. We expanded our Approach Training Group team and Division Instructor team and rolled out discord channels containing active students and mentors across all TGs (apart from OBS-S1) due to the number of people with permissions to request mentoring in the TG.

2022 Year Review
Again, incomplete exams are excluded for clarity
S1 - 90 exams, 83 passed, 7 failed. This is a 12% decrease in the number of exams conducted and a 4% increase in the pass rate.
S2 - 22 exams, 18 passed, 4 failed. This is a 37% decrease in the number of exams conducted and a 9% increase in the pass rate.
S3 - 18 exams, 12 passed, 6 failed. This is a 28% increase in the number of exams conducted and a 7% decrease in the pass rate.
C1 - 8 exams, 6 passed, 2 failed.  This is a 200% increase in the number of exams conducted and a 0% change in the pass rate.


2022 was a steady year across the board. Naturally, with the move back to ‘normality’ in the outside world, we saw mentoring activity reduce while the demand for our training remains extremely high. Despite these circumstances, we saw Enroute training flourish, with a huge increase in new C1s from 2021 resulting in 6 new C1s which is the joint 3rd most new C1s in the division within a year on record.

Looking back at landmark changes we’ve made throughout 2022:
Q1 and Early Q2
A large focus on recruitment with many members leaving and joining the team while others moved roles.
Overhauled the S1, S2 and S3 Theory exams
Updated eligibility criteria for a training place
Release of Shanwick Oceanic Moodle course
Completed the enroute Visiting+Transfer Moodle course.
C3 requirements and waiting list policy overhaul
Rollout of students discord channels
Recruited a new DI and two new APP TGIs to help us keep a stable staffing situation long term.

Plans for 2023
Looking forward into the remainder of 2023, this year we aim to focus on improving efficiency of training across the board. We would like to reduce the average number of mentoring sessions required for a student to pass an exam at all levels. The team are working very hard behind the scenes on some ideas to make this possible and I look forward to sharing our plans soon.

If anyone, S2 rated and above, would like to get involved (or more involved) in ATC Training the please reach out to me by opening a ticket with help topic ATC Training. We are always looking for mentors to help us continue to train the next generation of virtual controllers. We have ambitious targets within the team for the new year which we will only be able to realise with the help of everyone who gets involved.

Thanks to everyone who has given their time to ATC Training in the past year. Whether it was 1 hour of mentoring or over 100 hours of mentoring, the division is incredibly grateful for your contribution to our amazing training system.


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Recommended Comments

Rishab Saddiq


The thing is why are there less people passing the S1 isn't it the easiest one to do ?

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James Hudgell


The pass *rate* has gone up (as in people are more likely to pass an exam), but the number of exams has dropped.

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Adam Farquharson


6 hours ago, Rish Saddiq said:

The thing is why are there less people passing the S1 isn't it the easiest one to do ?

I think the main reason for this is due to the circumstances of the world. 2020 we were almost all in lockdown for the majority of the year with little to so aside from VATSIM. 2021 we continued to have restrictions meaning there were times where mentoring levels were very high and other times where they were very low.

2022 was largely covid restriction free for most people. With this it is natural for there to be a drop in mentoring levels as people go outside and enjoy the things they havent been able to do for the last couple of yeats. The drop off on mentoring levels will inevitably lead to a drop off in the number of people passing s1 exams.


Hopefully that helps answer your question?

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