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Contributors to this blog

  • Kieran Hardern 19
  • Jack Edwards 14
  • VATSIM UK Operations 9
  • Luke Brown 1

Aerodrome Operations Coordinator

Kieran Hardern



Following Chad's resignation, we are recruiting for an Aerodrome Operations Coordinator. Applications will close on Saturday (Edited) Wednesday 30th November 23:59z.

Role Description

  • Responsible for the maintenance and production of aerodrome specific operational procedures and documentation, including local vMATS Part 2 documents;
  • Responsible for reviewing, editing and collating the contributions of Operations Contributors to aerodrome procedures and documentation;
  • Acts as the point of contact for Operations Contributors working within their remit;
  • Drafts procedure changes as required for approval by the Operations Director;
  • Organises meetings to discuss issues relating to the aerodrome documentation and procedures as required;
  • Creates and manages working groups to address specific issues and projects within their remit;
  • Liaises with other members of the Operations Team to ensure consistency in procedures and documentation;
  • Works with the Training Department to develop and ratify ATC procedures and documentation as required;

The candidate must:

  • Hold a minimum of an S3 rating;
  • Be a home member of VATSIM UK or able to transfer to the UK division as a home member;
  • Be a member in good standing.
  • Possess an excellent standard of written English.

Workload and Training

The holder of this role can expect to commit 5-10 hours per week of work and would need to commit to at least 1 year in the role.

It is expected that any candidate taking on this position will need support of the Operations Team to develop various skills in the first month(s) of the role.


Those who are interested should send their application to jobs[at]vatsim.uk. Your application should include a brief explanation as to why you think you are best suited to the role along with information relating to your experience and motivation.

Applications will close on Saturday 19th November 23:59z.

Edited by Kieran Hardern



Recommended Comments

Kieran Hardern


Please note the change of email. Given a bug we have, I've not received applications sent. Please re-send them as above.

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Kieran Hardern


I am extending the application deadline to a week from today (30th November) at 23:59Z.

If you are interested in finding out more about the department, or would like an informal discussion about the role, please feel free to find me on discord.

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