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  • Kieran Hardern 19
  • Jack Edwards 14
  • VATSIM UK Operations 9
  • Luke Brown 1

Resignation of Aerodrome Operations Coordinator

Kieran Hardern



I unfortunately report the resignation of Chad Byworth as our Aerodrome Operations Coordinator. Chad has held this position for nearly 2 years, having been appointed by Jack in November 2020.

In his time he has done phenomenal work for the department having authored nearly 50 procedure change posts, designing our ‘ACBs’ (authoring the majority of them) and reviewing and improving countless documents produced by others. He has further kept many of our other teams up to date with operations changes across the country and provided prompt support and assistance to major and small events. The amount of time and effort he has given to the Division is impressive.

His resignation is a huge blow to our team. It’s very rare to find someone with such attention to detail, ability with written communication and organisational skills that can achieve what he has. Fortunately, we aren’t losing Chad from the network; and hopefully he’ll continue to share his knowledge with the rest of us.

We wish you well Chad and thank you for all your work.

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Been an absolute win to have you for the division @Chad Byworth.
Having you on hand with all my operations question has been amazing and creating those very very handy ACBs for when some people force me to control ABZ!
Enjoy what lies ahead, don't be a stranger!!!

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Thanks guys!

As sad as I am to leave my ops role fear not because I'm certainly not leaving VATSIM.

Maybe in my retirement I can finally control enough to be eligible for C1 training! 😅

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Thanks for the incredible contributions to the division. I don't think we could have asked for a better individual to build this role into something we have come to rely on across the width and breadth of the country. We have seen your phenomenal communication skills shine in this role and you always seem to know where to dedicate your attention to where it is most needed.

You have big shoes to fill, but we wish you well for the future and hope to see you on the network soon 🙂


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Piers Austin-Foss


@Chad Byworth

It has been a pleasure to work alongside you with the GA events team, helping make events that are all interesting, unique and enjoyable.

All the best in your future endeavours.


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