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  • Lee Roberts 7
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  • Tom Earl 4
  • Kye Taylor 3
  • John Batten 3

Lee Roberts Member Services Director Resignation

Lee Roberts



Hi all,

I am afraid it is time for me to announce that I am stepping down as the Member Services Director.

This is happening much sooner than I would have liked, however with my job forcing me to step away from VATSIM for a short while I can no longer continue as the Member Services Director as much as I would have liked to. I did try an negotiate a pay rise but Chris said no and well, VATSIM doesn’t pay the bills so I must step aside to allow the department and division to continue to develop.

I have had the privilege of working with a great team while I have been in the role and would like to thank each of them for supporting me during my time past and present. @James Thomas @Dale Stainrod @Matthew Wilson @Adam Meade.

As some of you know we have been working on revamping the UK Division’s Visiting and Transferring policies and processes. This is finally coming to a conclusion with new policy being released in the coming days. The training courses to go with it are also very close to release.

I will continue to serve as the Member Services Director until a replacement is found. Chris will be starting the head hunt very soon.

While you might not see me around on the network for a while, I can say for certain that I am not gone forever and will be back at some point next year.

Thank you


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Fergus Walsh


Thank you for all of your time and dedication Lee, not just towards MS but the wider division in general. Your departure will leave a big hole that will be difficult to fill. All the best with the career and hopefully we'll see you back in a new role soon 🙂 

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John Mattsson


Thanks for everything you've done Lee!

VATSIM UK won't be the same without you, but of course, as you said, VATSIM doesn't pay the bills.

All the best to you in the future and hope to see you back sometime!

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