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ATC Training Staff Changes

Adam Farquharson



Hi all,

@Matthew Dean is leaving his role as Tower TG Instructor. With his personal circumstances changing he hasn’t been able to commit the time to the role that he’d have liked to and because of this has decided that it is time to step back from his VATSIM staff duties. I’d like to thank Matthew for his time and wish him all the best for the future.

We have appointed @Daniel Blanco to join Kye in the Tower Training Group and Harry S who will be taking the role of Enroute TG Instructor alongside his Operations role. Both of them will be getting up to speed in the coming weeks and I look forward to working with them both.


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Kye Taylor


Thank you, @Matthew Dean You have been a credit to the divsion with the wealth of knowloage you have provideded. Its been a plesure working alongside you for the last 5ish months. Stay close!

@Daniel Blanco You have some huge boots to fill! Welcome along board the TG Train, I'm sure you will enjoy your time! 

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Manuel Burton

Posted (edited)

Congratulations to both of you! @Harry S @Daniel Blanco

Edited by Manuel Burton
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