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TG Tower Staff Changes

Adam Farquharson



Hi all,

Firstly I’d like to thank everyone for the kind messages following the announcement of my appointment as ATC Training Director.

Having moved roles this left a space in the TWR team which a couple of people quickly expressed their interest in. Following a few discussions we have decided to appoint @Kye Taylor to the role. 

Kye joined the Training Department 15 months ago as a New Controller TG Instructor. Having been involved in many projects including the development of the S1 Lesson plans, he brings his valuable experience to the TWR team where he’ll join @Matthew Dean and @George Peppard in managing and developing TWR training.

This move leaves a vacancy in the New Controller team for which we will be recruiting in the next couple of weeks. There will be more details on the recruitment process very soon. Details on this vacancy can be found here: 


Please join me in wishing Kye the best of luck in his new role!



Edited by Adam Farquharson

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Recommended Comments

Reece Buckley


Thanks for all your hard work, @Kye Taylor!  You have been a huge help to me over the last year(ish).  You have been amazing in TGNC, I hope you enjoy your new role ❤️

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