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Contributors to this blog

  • Chris Pawley 44
  • Simon Irvine 37
  • Daniel Crookes 27
  • Ben Wright 22
  • Nathan Donnelly 5
  • Kris Thomson 2
  • VATSIM UK Web Services 2
  • Andy Ford 2
  • Oliver Rhodes 2
  • Adam Arkley 2
  • Gdpr Removed 1
  • Loui Ringer 1
  • Adam Farquharson 1
  • Kieran Hardern 1

[Appointment] Training Directors

Chris Pawley



Following the conclusion of the recruitment process started here, to replace Dan Crookes I am pleased to announce the DSG has agreed to make two appointments:

We have appointed @Darren Hillas Pilot Training Director. Darren has been the Pilot Training Manager since January 2021 and has been crucial to the development of the pilot training courses during this time. In addition, Darren has begun to fill the gap left by the previous P1 rating, which especially catered to beginner pilots taking their first steps in virtual aviation. I know that Darren has ambitions to launch training for the next pilot rating during 2022 as well as ensure that pilots from across the division's membership are catered to with bespoke and diverse events in collaboration with our marketing colleagues. Welcome Darren!

We have appointed @Adam Farquharsonas ATC Training Director. Adam has been involved in training for several years and is currently the TGI within the TG TWR team. He will work closely with Oliver and the rest of the training team in the coming weeks to evaluate the bottlenecks in ATC training and ensure that appropriate interventions are scheduled to address these. Welcome Adam!

Dan will begin to wind-down his committments over the next few weeks as Adam and Darren get up to speed on the responsibilities of their new roles. Together, Darren and Adam will co-direct the training department, ensuring each elements of the department benefit from the other and that students, regardless of their discipline, recieve a similar experience no matter which rating they train for.

Finally, I would like to thank Dan.  He has been a stalwart member of the DSG for many years and has brought many improvements to the training system within the UK. As a result of structuring and codifying training in the division he has provided staff, mentors and students with a reliable framework on which our daily training activities can be structured. Hundreds of members have him to thank for hours of behind-the-scenes work that has partly contributed to their ratings. I have no doubt that his legacy will help hundreds more in future. On behalf of the entire DSG I would like to thank Dan for his hard work and we wish him all the best for the future developments of his flying career.


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William Shaw

Posted (edited)

Both are perfect for the job, congrats!

Also huge thanks to Dan!

Edited by William Shaw
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Congratulations to both partys!
Looking forward to working with you.

Dan, Thank you for your years of dedication to this network, and also giving me the oppertunity to join the team ❤️

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Congratulations to you both.  Good luck in your new roles!

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Archie Middlefell


Grats Adam, you really deserved that! Same to Darren! Lets get some more pilot ratings pushed out! 

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Congrats Gents and good luck your positions. 

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George Peppard


I'm late to the party - but worthy appointments to both positions. Adam and Darren together have years of experience in the department and I am sure they will do an excellent job!

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