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Approach Instructor Staff Changes

Daniel Crookes



Hi all!

As we near the end of the quarter there are a few upcoming changes on the horizon in the Approach Training Group.

@Charlie Watson will be leaving the team as an Approach TGI in the next week as he settles into his new job off the network. Anyone who has trained for their S3 over the past 3 years will know of - or at the very least will have heard of - Charlie, especially his 'S2 to S3 Progression Guide' 🤭 . Since his initial appointment in 2017 Charlie has been a key player in directing S3 training across the Division, whether that be through his mentoring or the training material that he has produced, he has affected change across training.

With incredibly big boots to fill, I am pleased to announce that @Kieron Crean will be joining Approach Training Group as an Instructor. Kieron has a wealth of knowledge and experience from across the network and from the professional aviation training environment off of VATSIM, experience that I am confident will benefit us.

Once again I would like to extend my thanks to members of the community such as Charlie and Kieron and the wider community for their unparalleled level of contribution to the division - we would not be where we are today without everyone's support.



Edited by Daniel Crookes



Recommended Comments

George Peppard


Thanks for all your hard work over the years Charlie - don't be a stranger!

Congratulations Kieron!

May the radar revision work book live on...

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Krystian Skrzypczak

Posted (edited)

Well done Kieron!! 😎 

Even though i may not have felt your work personally, I have no doubts Charlie you did great! 

Edited by Krystian Skrzypczak
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Kye Taylor

Posted (edited)

 Thank you Charlie for all your hard work in this division. Without you, I wouldn't have my S3 or my I1. - With that being said, you have been nothing but welcoming this fresh blood on the staff team!
 Enjoy your time off, and enjoy the network! Maybe you can teach me some scary north techniques, Something about a turn and burn?? 🤯
 With all that being said, Kieron, I must congratulate the Training Department and TGAPP for the excellent appointment, Kieron has been nothing but welcoming to me when he first joined the division and has taught me so much already. Enjoy your time on the team!!😃

Edited by Kye Taylor
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Ioannis Mazonakis

Posted (edited)

Dont be a stranger charlie! hope to staff up liverpool again haha
Congrats mate @Kieron Crean

Edited by Ioannis Mazonakis
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Fergus Walsh


Thank you for all of your efforts over the years controlling, mentoring and helping out with anything - you will be missed!


Well done @Kieron Crean, will be great working with you!

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Reggie Peach


Thanks for the update and congrats I hope to work with you some day:)

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Kieron Crean


Charlie has, without a doubt, made a massive impact to TGAPP over the past three years in the role and even time prior to being an instructor, I wish you the best with your role outside VATSIM and I'm sure I will still see you dotting about the network as well 😉. Thank you for all you have done!

Thank you all for the comments! I'm looking forward to be working alongside both Thomas and Will and I hope to keep up the high standards Charlie, and others, have upheld and more 🙂




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Will Jennings

Posted (edited)

@Charlie Watson It’s been an absolute pleasure over the last few months with yourself on the team and I hope all is going well with your new job! Many of us in this division, especially us northern lot, have our ratings because of your dedication to the TG and the community as a whole... also I can safely say that your love for Liverpool Radar will live on🤣

@Kieron CreanWelcome to the team mate, congrats on the assignment and it will be great to get to work alongside you 😀

Edited by William Jennings
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Caspian Merlin


@Charlie Watson Thanks for all the work you've put into the Approach Training Group, I've not been a mentor for very long but it's obvious how much time you've invested in it - best of luck going forwards and hopefully still see you around on the network!

Great choice in appointing @Kieron Crean, congrats!!

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Reece Buckley


Thanks for all your hard work Charlie!  Help me lots through my training 😛  Hope to keep seeing you around ❤️


Congrats Keyron.  Look forward to mentoring alongside you!

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Matthew McColl


GG Charlie, was fun getting my S3 whilst you were there.

And we look forward to many self-appointed full releases, Kieron 😆

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Tried to take on TG TWR but were defeated, see ya in a few years for attempt 2 merr @Charlie Watson (serious note: good job lad!)

welcome KC - am expecting a lot!

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Well done Charlie, got a sense of Déjà vu going on. See you same time next year again? 

Good luck Kieron :P 

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Oliver Rhodes


24 APP passes (one of whom was Kieron!) in 2020 - the best the division has ever had, strengthening the foundations for many more to come. Congratulations Charlie on a job very well done!

All the best Kieron!

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Thanks Charlie for all the work you've put in! You've helped me very much in my (ongoing :P) training. Hope to continue staffing GP APP 🙂

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I'm sure @Charlie Watsonwill be back, he just can't keep away, VATSIM UK is built into his DNA. Muchas gracias for all your help with my S3 training although probably one of your reasons for leaving! Haha! VATSIM UK is certainly in a better place with all your contributions to ATC training over the years. 

Great choice appointing @Kieron Creanto the team, I'm sure he'll bring a wealth of experience going forward, more so with the knowledge I gave him whilst training on tower! 🤣


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Charlie Watson


Thanks everyone for your kind comments. It has been great to be involved in the training team (again) over the past year. I look forward to doing a tad more controlling and enroute mentoring - sorry @Connor Faulderand @George Peppardain't getting rid of me that easily 😉 

Best of luck to Kieron and the team going forward, I think there are good things to come!

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