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Division Instructor Staff Changes

Daniel Crookes



Good evening,
Please could you all join me in thanking @Jamie Paine for his contributions as a Division Instructor (DI). Jamie has decided to step down from his role as a DI as a result of his time being consumed elsewhere.
Jamie has contributed to the staff team for just under three years. He has been involved in the wider training groups and then proceeded to become a DI where he took over the S3 Moodle Course development. Alongside all of the work Jamie has been doing for the UK, it is no secret that he has been active with other projects - mainly his twitch channel #LondonController
To say that Jamie has contributed to the Division in just his role as a TGI and DI would be wrong. He has, and continues to engage with the flight simulation community, and I do not doubt that he will continue to bring joy to thousands through his streams. I have refrained from doing so up to this point, but I can no longer resist - some could say that he is a 'TopMan'.
Once again please join me in thanking Jamie for his hard work and dedication over the years.
Dan ✈️
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Everyone of VATUK,

It has been a fantastic 3 years being a staff member... wow 3 years.. how time flies! First joining the staff team back in Aug 2017 as a TGI and then moving into a DI role back in July 2019. The division has come such a long way in 4 years and I am proud to have been apart of that in the last few years!

Now has come the time for me to step down as a DI, it is no hidden secret that my time is consumed elsewhere. I will still continue to take part in many projects of VATUK and look forward to seeing where we end up at the end of 2021... after what is going to be another very challenging year!

Thanks to all fellow staff members, mentors, and students for making my tenure as a TGI/DI a great one!


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You have done a fabulous job mate your 'retirement' is well deserved You TOPMAN.
Luke Bailly 


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Ryan Alderton


Thanks for everything you've done for the division, I can only say that it must be due to my amazing tower mentoring?


Seriously though, cheers geeza

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Reece Buckley


Thanks for all your hard work Jamie!  Hope to keep seeing you around.

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It only seems like yesterday when you were excited I was your first student on Gatwick Ground. 😛

 Good luck on your new streaming career 😉



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Charlie Smith


Thanks for everything Jamie, it has been greatly appreciated and I can't wait for more of your controlling and flying streams. 

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