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Training Department Q4 2020

Daniel Crookes



Hi all,

Please see below a summary of our new projects and achievements in quarter 4.

ATC Training

Our approach TGIs have been working to produce 'APC Aerodrome Introduction' PowerPoints for our S3 students, allowing key areas of the vMATS to be boiled down into short and focused presentations. Alongside these new PowerPoints, each of our Approach training aerodromes has a dedicated 'Quick Reference Sheet' - similar to the current crib sheets, but with the added element of essential radar theory.

The move away from walls of text and paragraphs of complex information is of great importance to us, as our training should be accessible and cater for the many.


You may have also noticed an increase in the frequency of S3 seminars. Our Approach TGIs have been working to introduce APC Aerodrome Introduction seminars that are derived from the PowerPoint presentations mentioned earlier.

TGNC has continued the ongoing work with the recent launch of our two new training aerodromes (Stansted and East Midlands) updating sweatbox files and building the required momentum amongst mentors and students.

Finally... and I mean finally, we are absolutely delighted to announce the launch of our S2 Moodle course! More information can be found on the forum post here.

Pilot Training

Pilot Training has been busy with the continuing development of our P1 PPL(A) Moodle course, working towards having 50% of hour course as self-study, smartCARS tracked solo flights. The importation of our P2 SEIR(A) content over onto our Moodle course is underway, with a Q1 release next year still on track!

Our VFR Flight Instructor (@Darren Hill), has been working with the marketing team promoting the General Aviation Club organizing VFR group flights, and creating and publishing resources for members who are waiting to start their training or those who want to learn without engaging in formal pilot training. So far this has been a great success with the group hosting over 141 members - if you aren't a member, get yourself in there!

General Training

Closely following this new article will be our General Christmas Message, outlining our plans for the festive period, and reflecting on our achievements over 2020.



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