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S2 Moodle Course Release

Daniel Crookes



It’s finally here! After many years of anticipation and speculation (we’re not sure exactly when we started it, but we have found a reference to a new Moodle platform in some meeting minutes from October 2011), we finally have eLearning materials available on our Moodle platform for our S2 course!

The course is divided into six sections - Introduction to ADC, Aerodrome Control Phraseology, Meteorology, Separation, VFR Traffic, and Aerodrome Operations - with a short quiz at the end of each section to help you to consolidate your knowledge. These aren’t mandatory, but we strongly recommend that you use them to guide your learning and show you what you know and what you need to work on. Each section is made-up of a series of short lessons accessible at any time, making it quick and easy to find the information you need.

As feedback comes in about the course over the new new period, we will make any changes necessary!

This course represents the collective efforts of generations of mentors and instructors. Thank you to everyone who’s given time to its development!





Recommended Comments

Oliver Rhodes


A phenomenal achievement from so many people - massive congratulations to everyone who's worked on this project over the years!

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Keanu Czirjak


Huzzah! Thanks to all involved for their hard work on producing this course!!!!

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David Etheridge


Excellect work!
Just a couple of small niggles:

  • Clicked on Announcements – get an error that I don’t have permission to view discussions in this forum

  • Clicked on Tower Training Group Forum – get an error that the content can’t be found

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