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Training Department Christmas Message

Daniel Crookes



Good evening!

It's that time again! Christmas is coming up, and as we all take some time off, activity in the training system and on the network itself will inevitably reduce.

As such, from Friday 18th December to Monday 4th January (inclusive), training staff will not send out the normal session request/availability reminder. If you're a student training on one of our programmes (pilot or ATC), you will not be required to have a session request or availability entered into the CT System during this period.

On or shortly after Tuesday 5th January, reminders will be sent out and students will have until Monday 11th January to re-enter both a session request and availability into the CT System. Please be sure to do this by the deadline to ensure that you do not lose your place after Christmas!
Additionally, during the Christmas period:

  • tickets submitted to the helpdesk regarding training matters  are likely to go unanswered until January;
  • exams will not be requested or allocated;
  • mentoring frequency will likely reduce, so gaps between sessions may increase above the level we usually aim for.

Now for a look back on what we have achieved this year as both a Training department and a division. To try and keep it short and sweet (something I'm not very good at!), I have linked the quarterly reviews for a detailed summary of each quarter and created a small infographic. 

Q1 summary

Q2 summary

Q3 summary

Q4 summary



It would be easy to sit here and write about how disruptive and hard this year has been for all of us, however, there’s enough of that in the news. This year has affirmed one thing for me above all else, that this network isn’t just a ‘Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network’. 

Throughout the course of this year, many of us (including myself) have turned to those who we have met on VATSIM for the laughter, for the hours of pointless procrastination, for the late-night Among Us games or a 2 am Curve Fever showdown. The point being, whilst this network provides us all with a platform to fly and control, it is much more than that for many of us, and this year above all others, it has played a crucial role.

There are so many incredible members of this network who spend so much of their time giving to others which enables our network to function. On behalf of the Training Department and VATSIM UK, I would like to profoundly thank every single member of this network for their contributions. The infrastructure that has supported so many people for so many years would not be possible without you all, and more importantly, the friendships and memories that many of us have would not have been formed.

Finally, we'll be running the inaugural VATSIM UK Christmas Quiz next Sunday 20th December, starting at 2000z on our TeamSpeak server, and absolutely everyone's welcome to join as an individual or as a team - all you need to do is turn up on the day! We hope to see you there, mince pie in hand, for some festive fun!

I hope everyone enjoys the festive period, and I look forward to seeing everyone around in the new year.

Merry Christmas 🎄



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