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[MINUTES] DSG Meeting - 21st November 2016

Simon Irvine




The minutes of last month's DSG meeting are now available for download here.

I'll be making a short post when the minutes are published to add some colour to them and give a short overview of what is happening in the Division.  I will aim to post the minutes and write this blog within a couple of weeks of the meeting taking place.  It's worth pointing out that this was the last DSG meeting of 2016 although we do have an "all staff" meeting in mid December.

Most of what is posted in the minutes are self explanatory however i think its worth just writing about a few of big things that will be happening in the the first part of 2017.

Firstly is the relaunch of community.  This is a huge change as we start to say goodbye to the RTSs after nearly 12 years.  Barrie has posted more about what is happening here.   This is just the first step of us recognising people who put their time and effort into making the Division better.

The other big change will be the launch of Central Training.  The main focus of CT is that you will own your training.  We will be asking you to self study more so you come to practical sessions with more of an insight.  At the moment many of you are helping the training department with getting the online courses ready.  CT will launch in the new year starting with OBS-S1.  I would like to thank everyone who has been helping with the courses so far.  It has been great to see lots of people getting involved.  You can find out more from Sam's update here.

Pilot Training will also have a busy start to 2017 with the launch of the P4 course.  We have also purchased smartCARS software that will enhance our pilot training experience and will be used for flight exercises.

We have also invited VATSIM's President, Kyle Ramsey for a Townhall Q&A sometime in January or February.  We will post more details when we get a date.

Its also worth mentioning that Ant and his webteam have launnched the Open Source project that can be found here. The Webteam will be closely involved with all of the ongoing projects.

I hope you have found this usefull and I would appreciate any feedback you have.


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Tom W Smith

Posted (edited)

Upon reading the minutes again, I have a few questions...

When central training comes in will anyone who has started training at a aerodrome that has not been included in the list provided in the minutes have to move aerodrome to complete their training?

Also maybe I'm misunderstanding some of what has been put here but regarding communities say like Midlands which is going to consist of EMA, BHX, COV etc what is going to be done to ensure the lesser airfields that are not a training aerodrome such as EMA do not get forgotten in the grand scheme of things, because I fear the focus is going to be centered mainly around the training aerodrome within a certain community.

So excuse my ignorance but I cant really see the benefit of having communities (until someone explains it to me*) that are trying to encourage traffic into lesser/ not as well known aerodromes or is this only a temporary solution until central training actually comes in. Because surely the traffic will be more beneficial at the aerodrome where there is mentoring taking place at rather than a lesser known one that isn't regularly flown into.

*And yes I have read the post by Barrie ;-)



Edited by Tom Smith
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