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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 24
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
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  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

[POLICY] ATC Training Handbook

Daniel Crookes



Hi all,

Back in September of 2018 when the ATC and Pilot Training Departments merged into one - I was adamant that the ATC Training side of things needed an Operations Manual similar to the manual we are required to have as past of our ATO for Pilot Training. The purpose being to provide anyone who operates within the Training Department with guidance, advice, and direction on how we operate so that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.

When we started making this manual we suddenly realised that there was vast amounts of policy with significant cross over that had built up over the years. So we set out to review everything... (almost everything).

After just over 19 months of work we are now in a position where @Oliver Rhodes and I, are happy with the procedures and the experience that our students encounter when they come through our training system. As a result of that, we are now able to publish our new ATC Training Handbook.

Effective from 01/08/2020, the ATC Training Handbook shall supersede any previous training department policy (mostly published as new articles over the past 3 years).

This handbook sits below VATSIM UK’s Division Policy, VATEUR’s Region Policy, and VATSIM global policies. Where discrepancies exist, this handbook’s provisions will be overridden by theirs.

We are acutely aware that with any document of this magnitude there are going to be errors, please report any findings on our helpdesk and address them to 'ATC Training'. We are also in a unique position where all of the procedures governing ATC Training in the UK Division have never been written down all in one place up until now. This will hopefully prompt questions about our policy and procedures, which we hope will allow us to continue to make training accessible to as many members as possible, to be realistic in our expectation of students, and to allow everyone to enjoy their hobby!


Dan ✈️

ATC Training Handbook.pdf



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