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Contributors to this blog

  • Loui Ringer 19
  • Ben Wright 8
  • Layth Al-Wakil 6
  • Trevor Hannant 3
  • Barrie Joplin 2
  • Alex Ashley 2
  • Harrison Grose 2
  • Thomas Hallam 1

Events During This Time

Loui Ringer




During this time of world crisis and advice to stay at home, the network traffic has increased. The increase in network activity has seen advantages to all departments; ATC Training have seen a large influx of mentoring sessions being conducted, as well as exams being pushed through. Web services have been working harder than ever to work on ensuring the systems that we use daily are up and running, as well as implementing new features. Operations have been able to approve and work with the community on a large number of splits that weren't used/possible before. The increase in traffic has allowed us to beta test a range of things while we have the time. 

As the Coronavirus Pandemic started to progress, I had a meeting with Ben, where we decided that we would increase the event flow during this time, more specifically until the end of May. We ran social media polls to gather in all event ideas that we could, and made sure that we took as many opinions into account as we could, some really positive responses came through. We already had a list of events that we wanted to trial but there was never really a right time, until now. 

March-May Events 2019:

  • 15th March - Frankfurt-Heathrow Shuttle 
  • 20th March - Midlands-Paris Citypair
  • 10th April - Stansted-Munich Citypair
  • 13th April - Cross the Pond Lite (EGPH)
  • 21st April - Mancheaster
  • 4th May - Feeling Hungary? (EGLL-LHBP)

March-May Events 2020 (Excluding Midweek Madness):

  • 20th March - Essex Overload
  • 29th March - North to South (EGGD-EGPD)
  • 2nd April - Essex Training Evening
  • 9th April - Bristol/Edinburgh Training Evening
  • 12th April - Mancheaster
  • 18th April - The Long Hop (OMDB - EGKK)
  • 23rd April - Birmingham & Liverpool training evening 
  • 24th April - Solent Night
  • 27th April - Heathrow Speed Dating (She found a match)
  • 28th April - Liverpool - Dublin CityPair
  • 30th April - TG Enroute Training Evening
  • 2nd May - Feeling Hungary? 2 (EGLL-LHBP)
  • 8th May - Thames <> Geneva Exchange
  • 12th May - Mersey Night Reborn
  • 16th May - Amsterdam <> Heathrow CityPair


  • 21st May - Essex Training Evening
  • 23rd May - Junkyard Jump (EGFF/EGSY)
  • 24th May - UKFIS Afternoon (Around EGLF)
  • 30th May - Non-Precision Approach night - LXGB


The rostering side of events was moved from the control of ATC training to marketing just under a year ago, this was then made open for all staff members to join. To cope with the rostering for the extra events, I invited 5 of our controllers to assist the existing rostering team, I would like to say a massive thank you to @Arvid Hansson @Layth Al-Wakil @Harry Sugden @Benjamin Matthews and @Charlie Watson for joining this team and helping massively. Not forgetting @James Yuen and his Heathrow rosters. 


The Graphics Team is still going strong, with 6 members coming together to help us with banners, thumbnails and other requests from all departments. A big big thank you to @James Thomas, @Thomas Greer for helping us massively with the required banners. 


Our YouTube Runway Cam series has been coming along nicely, great to see some new faces helping with them, thanks to @Benjamin Matthews, @Phil Aldred, @Jack Sutton, @Ross Vegas and @Ben Wright for running them recently. We continue to operate radar views for events where we can too. 

What happens now?

As lockdown restrictions slowly start to ease around the world, the day to day network traffic has started to decrease with it, for this reason, Ben and I see it necessary to start to slow our event flow back from June onwards. We will be hosting our usual Midweek Madness on its usual slot, with a training evening appearing when they have demand, as well as a feature weekend event every other week. 

I've really enjoyed getting to play with different ideas, and seeing more and more faces come to help us out in marketing; we're all a community so we should help eachother where possible, to ensure that departments run smoothly. 

A big big thank you to everyone who has helped us over the last few months (I probably forgot to tag loads of people but this is standard me) 




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