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Pilot Training Interest and Availability

Daniel Crookes



Hi all,

Over the past few months, we have seen a substantial increase in the number of no-shows and cancellations of Pilot mentoring sessions. As a result of this, mentors are very frequently losing interest in committing their time to mentor, this leads to a reduction in the amount of training conducted, a decrease in the frequency of sessions and increases waiting times. This is territory that we are always trying to avoid as it can be very difficult to get out of due to the voluntary nature of our training. 

Changing circumstances and availability are inevitable and cancellation will happen,  but I would kindly ask people that they try to maintain an accurate picture of their availability on the CTS and if sessions are picked up, that they are conducted. If time isn't on your side and you would like to suspend your training then please, let us know! We will always try to accommodate your circumstances around your training.

If you are interested in joining the mentoring team and trying something different. then please do let us know, we are always looking for new people to join the team.


Dan ✈️

Edited by Daniel Crookes

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