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Pilot Traning Mentor Recruitment

Daniel Crookes



Calling all Pilots!

VATSIM UKs Training Department is one of the few ATOs that provides training for all of the Pilot ratings (P1-P5) and we are looking to expand our mentoring team! The only requirements to mentor are as follows:

  • Hold the rating you wish to mentor;
  • Be a home or visiting a member of VATSIM UK;
  • Be a member in good standing on the network.

If you are not currently a member of VATSIM UK you can request to visit here. Append a message to your application that you are wishing to join VATSIM UK to become a pilot mentor.

Our mentoring is carried out in the form of 1-to-1 sessions on our TeamSpeak server which can be joined by following the steps on our website. All of our training material can be downloaded on the downloads section of our forum. If you have experience in the real world and are wishing to translate that experience onto VATSIM see our Fast Track Schemes.

If you would like to get involved or have any further questions get in touch via our helpdesk.

Thanks ✈️



Edited by Daniel Crookes

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