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ATC Training

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Contributors to this blog

  • Daniel Crookes 35
  • Andy Ford 33
  • Samuel James 30
  • Adam Arkley 20
  • Adam Farquharson 17
  • Oliver Rhodes 16
  • Alex Beard 9
  • George Wright 3
  • Fraser Cooper 3
  • Kieran Hardern 3
  • Nathan Donnelly 2
  • Sebastian Rekdal 2
  • Fergus Walsh 2
  • Chris Pawley 2
  • Jack Edwards 2
  • Will Jennings 2
  • Craig Stewart 1
  • Simon Irvine 1
  • Kye Taylor 1
  • Reece Buckley 1

January Changes

Daniel Crookes



Hi all,

After a few months of testing we are adjusting the way that ATC exams are picked up. Previously our Head Examiner has assigned exams to our examiners, the new method will allow examiners to pick up exams without waiting for them to be assigned. Our aim is to minimise the time students are waiting after being submitted for an exam. To ensure that examiner currency and any potential speculative bias is removed, we have set criteria that governs whether an examiner can  pick up and exam.

Examiner Criteria:

You are not eligible to conduct a candidates exam if:

  • You have conducted more than 50% of their training;
  • You have forwarded them for the exam and are the sole examiner for the exam.

If you have forwarded someone for an exam then you may only conduct an exam as a secondary examiner.

Each exam requires the following number of examiners a minimum requirement in order to conduct the exam:

  • S2 Exams require a minimum of 1 examiner;
  • S3 Exams require a minimum of 2 examiners;
  • C1 Exams require a minimum of 2 examiners.

Another change on the exam front is our Head examiner. @George Wright will be leaving the role of Head examiner. George has provided guidance and maintained standards for a long time in this role. Please join me in thanking him for his dedication to the role. George will remain as an examiner and a member of the CTIB group (which has recently been revived!)

We are removing the role of Head Examiner and assigning the responsibilities of the roles to other roles within the department. The administrative function of the role will be taken up by the General Manager - ATC Training, and the responsibility of maintaining exam standards and reviewing trends in exams will be extended to all DI’s and TGI’s in their respective TG.

Finally, as part of our aim to reduce the number of layers in the TD, we've decided to combine the current 'Division Instructor' and 'Senior Division Instructor' roles into a single role of 'Division Instructor'. Every current DI and SDI will become a DI, and will hold an I3 rating. We hope that this will help to make the ATC team seem less hierarchical, emphasising that we're working together, and will allow instructors to each work in their specific areas of expertise.

Naturally, these changes will be reflected in the relevant policy documents.

Once again thank you for all of your hard work whether it be flying, controlling or mentoring, everything counts!

Dan ✈️

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Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, Callum McLoughlin said:

Why are two examiners needed?

I believe it's because the 2 examiners may have different views on the same thing thing - it's to make sure it's kept as standard as possible. 

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Harry Sugden

Posted (edited)

Why does the rating I3 need to be used over I1, if there is only one level of instructors? Never mind, I'm assuming that I1=TGI and I3=DI?

7 hours ago, Callum McLoughlin said:

Why are two examiners needed?

Much fairer than having one in my opinion - easier to asses the criteria more fairly when there are two people able to make notes / discuss with each other. Sometimes benefits the student as well if one examiner disagrees with the grading of the other...

Edited by Harry Sugden
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Henry Cleaver


Particularly in APP and CTR exams, there is a lot going on so it can be a lot for one examiner to make a fair assessment. It’s fairer to the candidate to have two who can evaluate the performance and come to an agreement on the outcome.

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