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VATSIM UK Live! 2018 - Bookings Now Open!

Chris Pawley



We are delighted to announce that bookings have opened this evening for VATSIM UK Live! which is taking place on the weekend of the 4th and 5th of August at Conference Aston.

Tickets are priced at £30 for the weekend, or £20 for one day. We have also worked with Conference Aston to provide options for on-site accommodation (incl. breakfast). For more information on pricing, or anything about the weekend, visit the Live! website.

We have also provided more detailed information about the group lunch that we have organised this year. More information can be found on the website.

Tickets are on-sale now and available to any VATSIM member. We look forward to seeing new (and not so new) faces at this year's event. The number of places is limited, so please book soon to be sure of a place!

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To everyone's disappointment, I shall be in attendance.

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