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Contributors to this blog

  • Loui Ringer 19
  • Ben Wright 8
  • Layth Al-Wakil 6
  • Trevor Hannant 3
  • Barrie Joplin 2
  • Alex Ashley 2
  • Harrison Grose 2
  • Thomas Hallam 1

Events - Summer Season

Trevor Hannant



Over the past few Events, getting the number of controllers we need to cover them comfortable has been more of a challenge than it was earlier in the year so we've decided to take a short break from running any for a few reasons:

- it's Exam season and some pilots/controllers have these to concentrate on
- summer holiday season (for some)
- some controllers (in particular) may be "Event-ed out"

As exam season is now under way and as some of you head off to sunnier locations (if it can be sunnier than here now!), you'll notice that the CTS Calendar will start to become devoid of Events for a short period of time.   After the South West Overload this weekend, there will be a few weeks break until our next Event - TOWIE - at the end of June. 

Visual Friday Rules - our Friday VFR nights will, for the next while, be moving from a weekly basis to fortnightly.  This is to allow the Pilot Training Department to work on new releases to their Flight Training Exercises without me breathing down their necks as we've now caught up with them!  That said, we may throw some extra nights in random places to mix things up but we'll post these in advance for those who wish to fly/control on these nights.

Additionally, we've also now got an Event specific feedback option on the VATSIM UK Feedback form - please feel free to utilise this to feedback on Events so that we can improve these going forward.

And finally, if you are now sitting (or about to sit) exams, we wish you the best of luck in these and hope that you get the results and, for those looking for them, the University offers you're hoping for!



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