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Livestreaming - An Update

Alex Ashley




If you follow us on our social media platforms, you’ll probably have seen that in the last few weeks we’ve been running a series of livestreams on our YouTube channel, focusing on 'Behind the Scope'.

These livestreams have been running as part of a trial to examine the feasibility and demand for more regular episodes for the community. We’re pleased to report that the response to these livestreams has been exceptional, with a live participation/interaction ranging from 20 - 35 viewers and a subsequent reach (to date) of 740.

The ‘Behind the Scope’ series was always intended as the first step towards showcasing the wide-ranging activities which occur on the VATSIM network.

So… what’s next?

We would like to invite all members that meet the following criteria to apply to contribute their time to producing a livestream event.  You will be provided with help and support with the interface and relevant materials.

Members wishing to apply must be:

  • S2 rated or higher (for controller-based streams) and/or a P1 rating (for pilot-based streams);
  • A UK home member in good standing.

To ensure that the streams are of sufficient technical quality, members wishing to apply should also ensure the following:

  • Access to an UPLOAD speed of at least 2500 Kbps (2.5Mbps) - test my speed;
  • Hardware capable of streaming 720p at 30FPS.

Even if you’re not sure yet if you would like to be involved with the ‘on-screen’ element or don’t meet the minimum requirements, you may prefer to be involved in the ‘off screen’ planning of a livestream series.

If you meet these requirements and/or feel that you can bring some new ideas to the table, we would love to hear from you! Contact us

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Recommended Comments

George Peppard


Nice to see something different that (as far as I can see) no other division has done officially before. Well done to all those involved!

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Joseph Messore


Indeed, I've been in and out of the streams every now and then, looking very professional, and well made. Kudos to all those involved, one question from me, I presume that the stance from the division has not changed on those that want to livestream their controlling on their own channels, unofficially?

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Alex Ashley

Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Joseph Messore said:

Indeed, I've been in and out of the streams every now and then, looking very professional, and well made. Kudos to all those involved, one question from me, I presume that the stance from the division has not changed on those that want to livestream their controlling on their own channels, unofficially?

Nope - this is something completely separate from your own streaming. Indeed, if you're streaming on the network, do feel free to send it to us on Twitter for us to share it!

Edited by Alex Ashley
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Josh Appleton


Is the S2 rating for definite? As I feel it would still be an interesting stream for S1s, and also I'm guessing the Gatwick ground stream at the minute is from an s1? apologies if I'm wrong!

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Alex Ashley


3 hours ago, Josh Appleton said:

Is the S2 rating for definite? As I feel it would still be an interesting stream for S1s, and also I'm guessing the Gatwick ground stream at the minute is from an s1? apologies if I'm wrong!

Tonight was a trial - more will be confirmed in the future.

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