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S1 Gatwick Endorsements - Hours Checker

Oliver Rhodes



Hi all,

From listening to the feedback we’ve had over the past few weeks about the recently introduced Gatwick endorsement scheme, we’ve realised that the requirements to start training for the endorsement could be made clearer. 

From today, thanks to some fantastic work by the Web team, we’re introducing a new system to guide you through the process of gaining your Gatwick endorsement.

If you are currently an S1-rated controller, you can go to this page to use the new system. If you are not an S1-rated controller (including if you hold an S2 rating or higher), you will not be able to access the page; for reference, it looks like this:


The time that you have spent on the positions in each of the three groups is shown, alongside your membership status. When you meet all of requirements for an endorsement, the button to request access to the Moodle course will become available to you. When you click this button, your email client will open with all the details automatically entered for you. 


All you need to do is send that email, which will automatically open a ticket with us so that we can enrol you on the Moodle course. The process thereafter is the same as before.

Please note that the actual requirements have NOT changed. This is simply a new, streamlined way to guide you towards meeting them.

As ever, please feel free to post any questions below, catch us on TeamSpeak/Slack, or open a ticket via the helpdesk.



Recommended Comments

Oliver Parker


Can I ask why you need to have controlled one of Jersey, Belfast, Newcastle or East Mids in order to control Gatwick?

These airports get very little traffic so how is this relevant a Gatwick rating?

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Oliver Rhodes


9 minutes ago, Oliver Parker said:

Can I ask why you need to have controlled one of Jersey, Belfast, Newcastle or East Mids in order to control Gatwick?

These airports get very little traffic so how is this relevant a Gatwick rating?

Under the old RTS system, controllers used to train on a wide variety of positions, and had a lot more choice over the aerodrome at which they trained. With training happening a lot more widely, controllers were controlling much more widely, thus drawing traffic to places other than Heathrow/Gatwick/Manchester. Moving to the current system of centralised training has had its advantages (namely that there is no longer such a huge discrepancy between training times based solely on the RTS of which one has become a member), but especially when we trained solely on Gatwick it was clear that the range of positions controlled 'post-S1' remained much narrower. Really, we should have seen that coming - why would you control anywhere else if you're already qualified to control one of the busiest aerodromes on the network?

There were two reasons for the introduction of this endorsement:

  1. In response to controller feedback, to ensure that Gatwick controllers have gained a wide range of controlling experience before they start to control at Gatwick;
  2. To increase the amount of staffing at the 'less popular' aerodromes.

By controlling much more widely, we hope that students will start to 'generalise' their skills, rather than rely on just issuing instructions 'because that's what my mentor says we do' - you have to think for yourself about what you need to do, which helps you to understand why you're doing it. We hope that students will find that they actually quite enjoy controlling one of the quieter aerodromes, and return there even after the requirements are met, or once they have their S2/S3.

So whilst places like Newcastle and East Midlands are - we can all agree - fairly useless for practising your abilities of workload management, they are worthwhile places to control for other reasons.

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Can this system be used to monitor S3-C1 hours requirements, makes life easier checking which aerodrome is lacking the hours?


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