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Contributors to this blog

  • Chris Pawley 44
  • Simon Irvine 37
  • Daniel Crookes 27
  • Ben Wright 21
  • Nathan Donnelly 5
  • Kris Thomson 2
  • VATSIM UK Web Services 2
  • Andy Ford 2
  • Oliver Rhodes 2
  • Adam Arkley 2
  • Gdpr Removed 1
  • Loui Ringer 1
  • Adam Farquharson 1
  • Kieran Hardern 1

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Entries in this blog

Division Review - 2016

Folks We have been conducting a review of the Division over the past few weeks which you can find here. This document contains the building blocks on changes that you will start to see coming through. I'd like to thank the DSG for assisting with this especially Anthony Lawrence who sat through all the department reviews.  Also thanks to Harry Sugden, James Mack and Simon Kelsey for their input

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

Division Policy Updated

In light of the release of Audio for VATSIM, VATSIM UK has adopted Division Policy v7.2.0 and this has been approved by the (acting) Region Director. It is available for download in the policies section of the website.   On behalf of the Division Staff,   Chris.    

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Division Policy 7.5.0

Division Policy 7.5.0 is now in effect. This policy is changed to reflect adjustments to procedures to be followed when operating on a solo endorsement (STV, SAV and SEV). Thanks, Dan

Daniel Crookes

Daniel Crookes in United Kingdom

Division Policy 7.3.0

Division Policy 7.3.0 is now in effect.   This policy is changed to reflect adjustments to the S1 training process as well as to introduce appointment limits to the position of Division Director and Deputy Division Director.   Chris

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Division Conflict Resolution Manager

The appointment of Sean Reedman as the DCRM of the UK Division has now concluded.   Phillip Speer has accepted my invitation to take this role.   Sean has been a participant in running the division for a significant amount of time (circa 10 years) and has contributed many thousands of volunteer hours including as the division director. This has undoubtably shaped the division and contributed to our success in this time. We thank him for these contributions.   Philli

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Discord General Chat Changes

Last Sunday we announced the removal of the ‘general-chat’ channel within Discord. Clearly this was an emotive subject for many of our members, and we pledged to thoroughly review this decision before committing to making changes. It was pointed out by many, and evident on review, that the brevity of the announcement and lack of clear explanation for this action was a mistake, and I would like to apologise for the confusion this has caused. The purpose of this post is to update you all on our pl

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

Department Restructuring

As alluded to during my October 2024 update, there are some planned changes to the structure of the Marketing Department. To summarise, this involves the splitting of the Marketing Department into Events and Social Media, with Events moving to fall under the Operations Department’s remit. Social Media responsibilities will move to the current Member Services Department, which will rebrand to become the Community Department. Luke Thompson and Thomas Hallam will move to the Operations and Communit

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

December 2023 Update

Hello Everyone,   Before people start heading away for the Christmas break, I wanted to take the time to formally introduce myself, as I am conscious that many of us have not had the pleasure of meeting before. I am no stranger to VATSIM UK, having joined the Division in early 2016 and, for the last four and a half years, I have served as the Marketing Manager under Loui Ringer's leadership. During this time, I have risen to the somewhat dizzying heights of VATSIM Network Supervisor, B

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom


As we continue to adapt to a new normal of living in global pandemic, the division continues to adapt to the change in circumstance. For many members, staff or not, we find our lives extricably changed. Some people find themselves with much more time, and others, with less as they try and balance childcare with remote working and a myriad other real-life issues including of course restrictions on daily life and concerns about health of themselves and others. Across the world, VATSIM has of cours

Chris Pawley

Chris Pawley in United Kingdom

Christmas 2019

Hi all, Believe it or not, Christmas is just under one week away, so it is inevitable that activity on and around the network will reduce. From Friday 20th December to Thursday 2nd January (inclusive), training staff will not send out the normal session request/availability reminders. Students will not be required to maintain a session request or availability during this period. Reminders will be sent on or shortly after Friday 3rd, and students will have until the end of Friday 10th

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in United Kingdom

Changes to CTS Emailing

Due to the incredibly large volume of emails currently flowing from the CTS (because there's a lot of ATC and Pilot sessions right now!) which pushes us very close to our monthly quota, we're going to be be removing a couple of the email categories. These ones have been removed partly due to the amount of traffic they generate and also their perceived usefulness. They are as follows: Notification to mentors that a session request has come in. Notification to mentors that they h

Andy Ford

Andy Ford in United Kingdom

Audio for VATSIM launch date announced

Audio for VATSIM is an innovative new technology for our voice communication which features: State of the art voice quality - a brand new Opus-based voice codec with optional realistic distortion, white noise, VHF and HF simulation Reduced delay - up to 80% reduction in latency, making busy frequencies more realistic and manageable Range simulation - transceivers set up as per real ATC positions, with signal strength dependent on distance and altitude Customisable technology - this up

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

ATC Training Department Changes

Folks Unfortunately, Samuel James has decided to stand down as ATC Training Director.  Sam has been in post since October 2016 and has been instrumental in moving ATC Training in the UK to the next level.  Last year was one of our best for rating progression and this is in no small part to the work that Sam has put in, especially the implementation of the Training Groups from the old RTSs, the first stage of Central Training.  There is no great drama in Sam's departure and those of you who

Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine in United Kingdom

April 2024 Update

Good Evening Everyone,   I hope you have all enjoyed your long weekend. I can assure you this is not a late April Fools joke, but simply another opportunity to update our members on what has been going on ‘behind the scenes’ since my previous post. Beginning with recent staff appointments, @Archie Middlefell and @Alice Ford were appointed as an Aerodrome Operations Coordinator and Operations Assistant respectively. Last month we also welcomed @Dylan Parkes into the Member Services

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Operations Director

The Operations Department is responsible for the creation and maintenance of our sector file, controller pack, local procedures and documents, letters of agreement and temporary procedures. The Operations Department also supports the Events Team during the event planning phase to assess event feasibility and provide guidance in order to ensure the success of events. The Operations Director’s main responsibility is to provide leadership to the Operations Department. Other responsibilities of

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Operations Director

The Operations Department is responsible for the creation and maintenance of our sector file, controller pack, local procedures and documents, letters of agreement and temporary procedures. The Operations Department also holds responsibility for managing the Events Team who plan and execute online events within the UK. The Operations Director’s main responsibility is to provide leadership to the Operations Department. Other responsibilities of the role include: Continually - Providi

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

[Vacancy] Marketing Director

Vacancy - Marketing Director Role Description The Marketing Department is responsible for all public-facing media and the planning of events in our Division. The Marketing Director is a position appointed to the Division Staff Group, with the primary responsibility of providing strategic direction to the Marketing Department. As this position frequently serves as the first point of contact with Divisions and Subdivisions across the world, excellent interpersonal skills and a good stand

Ben Wright

Ben Wright in United Kingdom

[Training] Exam Season 2019

All, We're coming once again to the examination season, wherein a large proportion of our membership will be sitting GCSEs, A-Levels, or other important exams. The first examination on the JCQ common timetable is on Monday 13th May (though Wales starts slightly earlier on Tuesday 7th May). The examination period stretches to Thursday 20th June for GCSEs, and to Tuesday 25th June for A-Levels. This period (and the time preceding it, from around now) will likely see large numbers of stud

Oliver Rhodes

Oliver Rhodes in United Kingdom

[MINUTES] DSG Meeting - 23rd April 2017

All, The minutes of the most recent DSG Meeting are now available for download here. Moving forward, we hope to ensure the minutes are published in a timely manner. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to raise them below or in confidence via the Helpdesk. Thanks,


VATSIM UK in United Kingdom

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