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Contributors to this blog

  • Loui Ringer 19
  • Ben Wright 8
  • Layth Al-Wakil 6
  • Trevor Hannant 3
  • Barrie Joplin 2
  • Alex Ashley 2
  • Harrison Grose 2
  • Thomas Hallam 1

- Layth Al-Wakil

Layth Al-Wakil



Good Evening All,

After some careful consideration I’ve decided to inform the DSG of my intention to step down from the role of Marketing Director.

When I originally took on the role I knew that my personal real-world commitments would start taking up more time, however they have taken more time than I had anticipated. Furthermore, I’ve also had to re-locate to New Zealand which has an 11 hour time zone difference making communication with everyone in the UK a bit harder, this ultimately led to me decide that it was no longer fair for me to occupy this position when someone could dedicate a lot more time to it.

During my time in the role I have overseen some great work from @Trevor Hannant, @Alex Ashley And @Loui Ringer and hope that this work and the projects we’ve done continue to prosper long after I’ve left the role. I’d also like to thank those guys and everyone else who’s contributed at all in the past year or so, it’s really helped in turning around the marketing department.

For the mean time I’ll remain in the role until a replacement is found and I expect the recruitment process to start imminently.

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Recommended Comments

George Peppard


Thanks for your work for the division, enjoy New Zealand ? 

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Nathan Donnelly


Whilst it is very sad to see that you have decided to step down, I can see that you have done so for the right reasons.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for time during the past year or so; the Marketing side of the Division really has come on leaps and bounds under your command.
I wish you all the best for life out in New Zealand and with your pilot training.
Don't be a stranger!
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Simon Irvine



As I have already said in private with you I a sorry that you are leaving.  You have had done an excellent job as Marketing Director with Events and Social Media presence at the best it has been.  You will be missed from the DSG and I wish you well with the next part of your pilot training in New Zealand.  


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All the best, Layth. Enjoy some well-deserved down time and focusing on your career.

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Oliver Gates


Thanks for your work, Layth. Good luck with flight training.

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Trevor Hannant


Layth, thanks for the support and assistance over the past year or so since I came in as Events Manager.  All the very best with the training, I'm sure we'll continue to speak and hear of your progress!

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Thanks for all your work Layth - it definitely has not gone unnoticed. Best of luck for the future!

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Oliver Parker


Good luck with CTC, don't take any nonsense, they're useless out there.

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